
I'm Alex Chang, and I'm a web developer_

About Me |

Profile Picture of Alex Chang

I am a graduate from Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, and a web developer who is always looking to expand their horizons and skillset.

I spend quite a bit of my free time either refining my skills in the field web development. In particular, I am interested in topics such as typography, user interfaces, as well as emerging technologies in web development. I am also enthusiast of open source software, and I try to utilize open source software in my projects or development workflows wherever possible.

My Resume

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Things I'm Tinkering With |

Projects |

Studio Ghibli Movies

Vue.js Application

Coded in: HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JS(ES6), Vue.js

A Vue.js app that pulls and manipulates movie data from the Studio Ghibli API.

This Website!

Portfolio Website

Coded in: HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JS(ES6)

A portfolio website created to display personal projects.

Web Browsers

Electron Application

Coded in: HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bootstrap 4, JS, and jQuery

A desktop application providing a brief overview of modern web browsers. Content is loaded using AJAX and displayed using JS transitions. Application metadata and window behaviour is handled by custom JSON and JS files.

PHP Creature Generator

PHP Forms and Input Sanitization

Coded in: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, PHP, and jQuery

A creature generator written primarily in PHP and jQuery. The user is presented with a simple form to complete. Depending on the input, the user is then presented with a randomly generated result, which is derived from an array of stored values. Visual JS form validations, PHP form validations, string manipulation, and sanitization are used.

Random Number Game

HTML5 Canvas and Chart.JS

Coded in: HTML5, CSS3, Materialize.CSS, JS, and Chart.JS

A game written using HTML5 Canvas. Two numbers are shown to the player, who then must determine which of the numbers are greater; their selection is made by using the left or right arrow key. Results are tracked and displayed in an accompanying chart, provided by Chart.JS.

HTML5 Canvas Game

HTML5 Canvas and JS

Coded in: HTML5, CSS3, and JS

A simple movement-based game coded in HTML5 and Javascript. Movement is handled by the arrow keys, and basic collision detection is implemented.

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